
How to Know your Computer's Gender?

Hi all...!!! Long time no see and update this blog. Now, since a long time I've not been write any articles before, I'm back again with a very fun article here. Yeap! You'll like this title: "How to know your computer's gender?" It's very odd, isn't it? Let's check it out!


Readers, maybe some of you ever think, what is your computer's gender?And maybe it's look stupid enough to think about. But, here, I will show you an amazing tricks and you can use this as a joke to your friends. Here are the easy steps to know your computer is a man or a girl...

1. Open your Notepad.
2. Then, copy and paste the following code:

CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice").Speak"I Love You"

Note: You can change the "red text" into any text you want to be spoken by your computer.

3. Save it with any name and write .vbs in the end of your title (without space). Example: experiment.vbs, mycompy.vbs, etc...

4. After it's saved, open the location of your file. Finally, open the file and it will be automatically played. You will hear a man/girl voice will speak "I LOVE YOU" or other words based on your typed code before.

If the voice is a man, so your computer is a man. And oppositely so.

Hahaaa,, It's very simple and interesting, isn't it? Try it now and have fun! Thanks for reading ^^

AND...NOW, I KNOW...!!!

(c) Written by: Nanda Firsta
Source: Own Experience
READ MORE - How to Know your Computer's Gender?


List-O-Matic: Make your Free Own Menu Bar on Blog

Hi, in this post today, I'd like to show you all who want to know "How to Make Menu Bar on your Blog". Of course, by adding menu bar, your blog's visitors will be easily to access and explore on your blog with some good direction. Beside that, it will make your blog looks professional too. Okay, now let's start making that...

Here, I will explain about making menu bar (Horizontal) with List-O-Matic. The result will looks like on my blog (you can see my menu bar above). It's simple, right? Okay, here we go...

1. Firstly, visit the List-O-Matic website. Click HERE.
2. And then, you'll see the following appearance:

Now, it's time to act:

a. On Link Text, type the text on menu bar which will show what button it is. You can fill it such as: HOME, CONTACT, ARTICLE, PROFILE, and many more.

b. On Address/ URL, type the address of your previous link. So, if the visitor click the Link Text, they will be brought to it's address.

c. On Title attr (optional), just fill with some interesting/ descriptive short text. This text will appear when the mouse-cursor is on your Link Text. For example, your Link Text (menu) is CONTACT. So, you can describe it with maybe: "Let's contact my Facebook/ Twitter account", or "Contact me for more information), etc...

3. Then, if you want to add some sub-level navigation (dropdown menu), just give check on This link contains sub-level navigation (optional). Then, type your Link Text, Address/ URl and Title attr like the previous explanation.

4. After that, click on I'm done. Show me the styles.

5. There you will see 2 kinds of menu bar, it is horizontal and vertical menu. You also can choose your favorite style and colour which is match with your blog design.

6. Next, click Show me the markup--> to show your menu bar code. Copy and paste the HTML code on your blog. Follow this steps:

a. Open your blogger dashboard, then click on design.
b. Choose Add a Gadget, choose HTML/ Java Script.
c. Then, paste the menu bar code there, click Save.
d. Move/ Put it in a place you want. I recommend you to put it right under your blog banner/ title (on the top of your blog's page).
e. Click Save.

7. Done. Now, you've got your own nice menu bar.

Let's try... ^^

P.S: When you want to add a new menu, you can modify your HTML/ Java Script on your blog Gadget. Just copy and paste the previous row script, then change the Link Text and the Address/ URL. It's very easy... :)

AND...NOW, I KNOW...!!!

(c) Written by: Nanda Firsta
READ MORE - List-O-Matic: Make your Free Own Menu Bar on Blog


How to Make Automatic Read More Button

Yeah... Finally, I've found how is the way to make our blog homepage become simple...!!! For you who is new in blogging, I'm sure that this tips is very usefull for you. This is about making an Automatic Read More button. This feature will make your blog homepage will be simple like this blog. And by this, many of your article can be exposed in the first page. Wanna know more?
read more

Do you know about "Read-More" button? Okay. Now, remember when you visit someone's blog. Usually, in the homepage, it shows full of some articles. When you want to find more than it, right?

By using Read-More button, some of your post (1 to 10 posts) can be appeared in one page. So, they will be able to be seen by the visitor. So that, your post can be read by many people too.

Usually, in ordinary other blog you find about this, you just found how is the way to make Read-More button. But, special for you all, here I'll give you about the automatic one.
http://www.visitsouthread more read more read more read more

The ordinary Read-More button script should be applied in every you'll publish your post. Every you'll post an article, you should copy-and paste it's code in your article HTML. You know? It's very old-fashioned guys. Now, let me give you the hundreds more simple way how to add Read-More button in your each post in one step. Automatically, it will be appeared when you publish your post.

Here are the way:

1. First, log in to your account in Blogspot.com. Then in your Dashboard, click on Design--> Edit HTML

2. Before you modify your HTML code (template), I recomend you to Download Full Template first, so that if there's something wrong in the code, your blog appearance won't be destructed.

3. After that, give a check in Expand Templates Widget.

4. Use Ctrl+F on your keyboard to find this code:

5. Then, copy and paste the following code just below the code.

<script type='text/javascript'> var thumbnail_mode = &quot;no-float&quot; ; summary_noimg = 430; summary_img = 340; img_thumb_height = 100; img_thumb_width = 120; </script> <script src='YOUR_BLOG_ADDRESS' type='text/javascript'/>

6. After that, find this code:
<data:post.body/> or <p><data:post.body/></p>

7. Change it with the following code:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>
<div expr:id='&quot;summary&quot; + data:post.id'><data:post.body/></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>createSummaryAndThumb(&quot;summary<data:post.id/>&quot;);
<span class='rmlink' style='float:right;padding-top:20px;'>
<a expr:href='data:post.url'>&#187;&#187;&#160;&#160;READMORE...</a></span>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><data:post.body/></b:if>

P.S: The red text (READMORE...) can be changed by other words, such as:
"Read Full Post...", "Continue Reading...", etc...

8. Finally, click Save Template

read more
Now, check your blog homepage. You'll find some of your article will be appeared there partically and your READ-MORE button. Now, every you want to publish your post, you don't need to do anything again, because this READ-MORE button will be automatically available under your post in homepage.. :)


AND...NOW, I KNOW...!!!

(c) Written by: Nanda Firsta
Source: Own Experience
READ MORE - How to Make Automatic Read More Button


Writing HTML Code on your Article

Hi. This is a very simple tips but it's very usefull to apply. Well, if you have a blog about computer/ internet like mine, you must be ever write an article that enclosed a HTML or JavaScript code. But, unfortunately when you post it, your written code doesnt appear as you want. Oppositely, it appears as a gadget/ preview that has been translated to HTML language. Don't worry, because here I will give you a nice trick to avoid it. Here they are...
write html code article post

For example, you want to make an article titled "How to Add Clock Gadget on Blog". Then, of course in your article, you'll enclose the HTML/ JavaScript code that should be copied by your reader. But, when you agree to publish it, you'll see that your code has changed into the real gadget (in here is clock gadget). So, the reader won't be able to follow your tips, isnt it..??

This simple thing should be mentioned by some blogger. Because of that, here i have some trick to enabling visitor's HTML copy-paste. They are:

1. Using http://centricle.com/tools/html-entities/
write html code article post
This site can change (encode) your HTML code into other code that can be appeared as text in your post.

Firstly, go to
Then, you'll get the following preview:
write html code article post

In there, copy and paste your HTML code into the field. Then, click Encode.
After that, copy and paste the code into your post. Finished.

2. Using text area.
Text area is used for putting some text, include HTML code, so that it will be in different place and will be able to be copied by your article readers.
To make Text Area is very easy. Just copy and paste the following code:

<div><form name="copy"><div align="center"><input onclick="javascript:this.form.txt.focus();this.form.txt.select();" type="button" value="Highlight All"> </div><div align="center"></div><p align="center"><textarea style="WIDTH: 300px; HEIGHT: 144px" name="txt" rows="100" wrap="VIRTUAL" cols="55">YOUR_HTML_CODE</textarea></p></div></form>

Then, change the text: YOUR_HTML_CODE , with your HTML code.
To change the width and height, just set the number on: "WIDTH: 300px; HEIGHT: 144px"

Then, publish your post.

Finally, just try one of the trick above. I have used those way to show HTML code in my article and it works. :)

P.S: If you have another better way, please give some comments below.

AND...NOW, I KNOW...!!!

(c) Written by: Nanda Firsta
Source: Own Experience

READ MORE - Writing HTML Code on your Article


Complete Tips about How to Increase your Blog Traffic

Wanna your blog/ website becomes popular and get many visitors...??? Well, you need to read this article completely and apply it. I'm sure that your blog will be visited by many people. Check my tips here...
increase blog traffic

How to increase your blog traffic until can reach 1000 visitors in a day?

Wow, that is the dream of all bloggers and website owners in this world...!!! (Include me...) :p
hen, how is the way? Indeed, many ways to increase blog traffic or reproduce our blog visitors. One of them that is very important is as you need a lot of article and regularly make a post, a lot of hanging out, blog-walking, and signing up to social bookmarking, continue to build internal links and external links.

How to get a 1,000,000 or hundreds visitors in a day is not an instant thing. But, if you have a strong want, it won't be so difficult. Here are my tips to increase your blog traffic:

You must have a lot of articles on your blog. You can see some succes blogs that have high traffic/ visitors. Why? Because they've got a lot of articles, until it reaches above 300, 400, and 500 articles. So add your articles continuously, because the quantity is also important. If you can't produce qualified articles (made by yourself), you may do all the copy-paste. But remember, you should keep the posts with it's own sentence, don't outright copy-and-paste from an article which is made by someone else.

Tips for a true blog post:
If you do not have an idea to arrange an article/ post, just see the article of others. Then, arrange it by your own sentence. So it will be not trully caught that you do copy-paste and it's not detected as duplicate content by Google. But if the idea is from the other people, you need to enclose the source. Respect the owner, OK?

Socialize by doing Blog-walking. Don't be lazy blogger if you want to have a lot of visitors. You must often go around, greet other bloggers and comment on their blog. Do this everyday if you can. Many bloggers that high traffic is not due to Google's donation, but because they were diligent to do Blog-walking.
increase blog traffic

Blogwalking Tips: Make a list of blogs that you visit, so it will be easy to visit again. Or you can use your blog link exchange box. Enter a list of friends - friends who are often active blogs blogwalking and to be able to reply to your blog. Example of mine: http://nandafirstboy.blogspot.com/2010/07/friends-blog_22.html

Submit your blog address to blog directories. Here I provide a list of blog directories whose the process is very easy, and most of them straight to approve our blog just in a minutes. They are:


Please set your own way stage of their list. For example, to submit in a day 3 or 5 directory. When submit your blog to directory, select SUBMIT WITHOUT FREE RECIPROCAL. And if you have any other directories you can add in your comments.

Submit to the dofollow social bookmarking. Here are the addresses, and it was proved greatly:


Social bookmarking submit tips: Please submit to 12 social bookmarking above for EACH new articles you publish, the benefits is for your new article quickly will be indexed by Google search engine and get traffic. Imagine if a blog article you have the 12 backlinks from Social Bookmarks, so if you have 100 articles on your blog, then it's got 1200 backlinks. Wow...!! It's cool, right?

Build internal links. While writing a post, I recommend you to build internal links. Internal links build links that lead to your postings to another. So, if you write an article about "How to Increase your Blog Traffic", put in your link of your related blog article in your sentences.

1. If your post has not been indexed or missing from Google, it can be indexed again in this way
2. And also the post gets a free link.
3. Giving info to the readers that such posts exist.

Then, my other tips are:

* Submit to the article submission, I suggest: Goarticle.com and Qassia.com because the process is super easy.
* Create dummi blog, if it can be as much as possible. And enter your blog address there also it's feed.
* It's better to oftenwrite a hot topics, such as Hot-News in your country. Also make it become controversial. This is also an effective way to bring your blog traffic.
* And if you have more budget, buy a link and buy reviews.
* Create a review for other bloggers and call the link when you write blog posts, to make friendship with them. You'll get a reply for review, more over if your friend's blog has lots of visitors. It will be very profitable.
* Be a blogger who accommodating and friendly and even better making your ownself as an asking place.l
* Learn to write well and communicativey, because blogging is a writing activity.
* Be a blogger who is sensitive to social conditions, if there are any issues that occur both on the internet and in the real world, then please join or post a comment for it, but in a wise and clever way. It is good to attract the masses.
* Don't be a blogger who knowingly and quasi-good, if it's found out that you are bad blogger, it will be dangerous for your image. Your name and your blog will be bad too.
* Submit your blog as well to social networking website, such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. Also submit to the 2 that dofollow social network, they are:
1. www.zimbio.com (example: http://www.zimbio.com/account/articles)
2. www.squidoo.com (example: squidoo)

increase blog traffic
After all of 16 tips above, all I recommend to you is these points:

1. Adding more article
2. Submitting each article to social bookmarking

But if you do everything, the result will be much better.

So, these are my writing about how to increase your blog traffic. I am as the writer,also the beginner, is still trying to increase my traffic too. So, if you have another better tips, just give a comment below...

Thank you... :)

AND...NOW, I KNOW...!!!

(c) Written by: Nanda Firsta
Source: Own Experience and Browsing.
READ MORE - Complete Tips about How to Increase your Blog Traffic

Having Fun with "Magic Mirror" Software

Let's having fun again...!!! Here, I have found a funny software from 4shared.com. This software is called Magic Mirror. As it's name, by this one, you can look your owself on your computer by web-came (like when you look at the mirror), and you'll see your face magically become very funny. Wanna know more? Check this out...!!!
funny software

Magic Mirror is a software to make the looking of your face in web-cam become very funny. This software is almost same with "Face Warp". Modifying a face become funny face.

More over, this software is PORTABLE...!!! So, you don't need to install it oftenly. You can having fun everywhere, everytime, with everyone.. :DD

Well, let's download "Magic Mirror" now. Click the link below:

funny software

To use this software is very simple. Just open your face picture (photo), then click your cursor in a part of your face (such as: eyes, nose, mouth, chick, etc...).
Then, you just need to set the distorsion effect in left side. You can set the destruction quality (haha..) of your photo by pulling up or down the navigation bar.

If you have done with it, click apply. Or, click reset if you want to start again.

Look at my sample below:


funny software


funny software

Haha, It's funny, right? Let's having fun...!!! ^^

AND...NOW, I KNOW...!!!

(c) Written by: Nanda Firsta
Source: Own Experience and supported from 4shared.com
READ MORE - Having Fun with "Magic Mirror" Software

FlyCam: Make your Handphone Become a Webcam..!!!

Hi all readers. Today, I'd like to share a very great trick for you all. This trick has been tried by myself and it 100% works! Have you ever imagined if your handphone become a web-cam...??? It must be fun, isn't it? So, let's do this fun thing. Here are the steps...
handphone webcam

Firstly, all you need is:

1. A handphone with type Symbian S60 with integrated camera. Such as: Nokia 3230,
2. Computer or Notebook (PC)
3. Installed Yahoo! Messenger Program
4. PC Dongle Bluetooth
5. Fly Cam Software. You can download it here:


After that all, do the following steps:

1. First, be sure that your PC has been connected with your handphone via Bluetooth.
handphone webcam

2. Open the file of Fly Cam Software (*.zip). Then, extract all .zip file in it. You can do this by right click on the .zip folder, then choose Extract to...
handphone webcam

3. Then, install the file which has *.exe extention into our PC. And, send the file named: ETI.FlyCam.v1.01_S60SymbianOS7.sis to our handphone by Bluetooth.

4. Install the Fly Cam in your handphone. Choose the instalation location (I recommend you to install it in your memory card). In order to not influencing System C, restart your handphone, so that the application can run well.
handphone webcam

5. After you restart your handphone, open the Fly Cam application.
handphone webcam

6. Be sure that your PC and handphone are still connected via Bluetooth well. Then, on your handphone, choose "Connect" option to connect it with your PC.
handphone webcam

7. In your PC, will appear the option which say that your handphone has been detected by your PC. Just click on the balloon which appear from the Bluetooth icon on taskbar. Give check in 'Always allow this device to acces this service’. See this preview:
handphone webcam

handphone webcam

8. After that, your handphone will automatically view an appearance from your camera. Then, just shoot our position from your handphone camera, like you do with web-cam.

9. Finally, open the Yahoo! Messenger --> Messenger--> My Webcam.
handphone webcam

If it works, then your PC will view the image that is taken from your handphone camera. Well, now your handphone has become a webcam.
handphone webcam

It's easy enough, right? You can do chatting without buying an expensive web-cam. You can use your handphone everytime you want. Right?

Handphone Compatibilities:

Nokia Series 40 and Series 60:
6230, 5140, 3220, 6170, 7270, 7260, 6020, 6822, 6101, 6230i, 6030, 6021, 8800, 6060, 5140i, 7610, 6260, 6630, 6670, 3230, 6681, 6680, N91, N70, N90

Sony Ericsson:
K700i, K500i, K750i, K600i, V600i, Z800i, V800, S700i, D750i, W800, F500i, J300i, K300i

Razr, Slvr, V3, Pebl, L6

S65, C65, CX65, M65, SL65, SK65, CX70, S75, SL75, C75, CX75, CF75, M75, SG75, SXG75


Let's try and having fun! ^^

AND...NOW, I KNOW...!!!

(c) Written by: Nanda Firsta
Source: Own Experience
READ MORE - FlyCam: Make your Handphone Become a Webcam..!!!


User Agent Switcher: Browsing WAP Site by your Firefox...!!!

Whoa! Amazing! Now, you can browse WAP site right on your PC...!!! Wanna know more? Here we go...

If you use Mozilla Firefox which can give you a lot of meaningful facilities in add on, try this usefull trick!

Now I try the funniest add on in Firefox. Yes it's User Agent Switcher. Well, how does it work? And what's it function?

Okay, now see this. Have you ever opened a WAP site on your handphone? Usually you do it to download themes, games, wallpaper, songs, etc. Now, the question is: How if your pulse is empty? Of course, you can't access the WAP site anymore, right?

But, don't worry. It's fully will be solved if you use Mozilla Firefox. I'll give you an example. Now, try to open WAP site by your computer. Example, click www.waptrick.com on your browser right now. Do you can open it? Of course NOT because you have to visit it by your handphone.

Now, I have a trick to enable it. You can use an User Agent Switcher on Firefox add on. Click the link.
After that, click on "Add to Firefox" button.


Then, it will be downloaded and added by your Firefox automatically.

Then, how to use it? It's simple.
Go to Tools --> Default User Agent --> iPhone 3.0


And now try to open www.waptrick.com again.
Whoa! It's fully open! And you can use this to another web page such us Facebook. By using this add on Facebook's homepage will be a hundred percent same as you open on cellphone.

And it will be normal again. Let's try it right now! ^^

AND...NOW, I KNOW...!!!

(c) Written by: Nanda Firsta
Source: Own Experience
READ MORE - User Agent Switcher: Browsing WAP Site by your Firefox...!!!

Google Insight for Search: Increase your Blog Popularity with Popular Keywords

Do you have a blog/ website? Do you want to get many visitors to read your blog? Well, one thing that you can do is by optimizing keywords on your blog article. By this way, your blog article can be appeared on search engine with some popular keywords which are searched by the visitors. Wanna know more? Check this out!

Well, your blog visitors actually come from many source. From search engine, advertisements, your blog walking, links, etc. But, you can easily increase your blog popularity from the visitors that come from search engine.

The best search engine nowadays is Google. In a second, hundreds or thousands people type their word in search box to find what they want. Here, Google provides you all who want to know what is the most used/ most popular keywords that has been searched by all people in this world. You can find it based on the location, time, categories, etc.

You can visit "Google Insight for Search".
This site/ tool will show you the most popular keyword. Then, you can use the words on your blog article, so that your article can be popular too.

Firstly, visit:

Then you'll get the following display:

In this page, you need to choose filter type:

1. Search Type: Just choose the "Web Search" if you want to find the popular keywords. Beside that, also available Image, News, and Product Search.
2. Country: Choose your country choice. You can choose based on who visitors that you want to come from.
3. Subregions: For more specified area, you also can choose the smaller area (province. region)
4. Time: Choose time filter. It's better to choose the newest one (in here is Last 7 Days).
5. Categories: Choose the categories based on your blog category too. If your blog talks about computer, choose "Computer and Electronics", etc...

Finally, click "search". Finished.

For example, if I choose Bussiness categories, so the results will looks like below (it's shown with row based on it's popularity):

You can try this every when you will make a new post. Think about what is the best title/ article that you'll make. Choose the most popular keywords, and then, start to type! :)


AND...NOW, I KNOW...!!!

(c) Written by: Nanda Firsta
Source: Own Experience
READ MORE - Google Insight for Search: Increase your Blog Popularity with Popular Keywords