
Update Avira-Antivirus in Off-Line

Hi, readers! Do you want to update your Avira-Antivirus? But no internet connection..?? Take it easy, you still can do it!
Here are the steps:

First, open Avira-Antivirus. Right-click on hidden Avira Icon on Tray System.
Choose Start Avira--> click menu Update--> Manual Update

Update Avira-Antivirus in Off-Line

Find your Update File of your Avira (VDF File), and the format is .zip. (You dont need to extract it, because it will automatically be extracted). Click Open.
If you are not download yet, click here

Wait until the process is finished...

DONE! Your Avira has been updated.
It's easy and simple, right..?? ^^

And... "NOW I KNOW...!!!"

(c) Written by: Nanda Firsta
Source: Own Experience


  1. hahaa.. nice trick, dude! :D

  2. hahaa... thanks.. it's usefull when you are in a forest ansd no connection.. xDD


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