
Upgrade your Flashdisk from 1GB to 2GB

Hello all, now I wanna share a good tricks, "Upgrade Your Flashdisk from 1GB to 2GB". It's amazing, isn't it? Maybe, it sounds impossible, but here, I wanna share to you all how is the way. Check this out! ^^
Upgrade Flashdisk from 1GB to 2GB

First, download the "1GB to 2GB" Software. Click this link:

And, here are the steps:
  1. Make sure your flashdisk's operation system is FAT. If no, format your flashdisk into FAT.
  2. Install and start your downloaded software.
  3. Choose the location of your flashdisk (ex: H:, F:, etc...)
  4. click Fix – OK – OK – OK...
    Upgrade Flashdisk from 1GB to 2GB
  5. Unplug your flashdisk and then plugs it again.
  6. Tadaaaa.....!!!
Your flashdisk has become 2GB...!!! Try it.. :)

All damage that happens to your flashdisk is your own risk. And I dont responsible for any harm, I just share the steps based on my experience. ^^

And... "NOW I KNOW...!!!"

(c) Written by: Nanda Firsta
Source: Own Experience

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